Training of brigade members for post-coral storm care continues in the MAR

Guatemala podría implementar brigadas de respuesta post tormenta para la atención de arrecifes de coral

The MAR+Invest project was launched at FLII

Honduras Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades

Usan ciencia y tecnología en favor de la sostenibilidad pesquera de México

Mi comunidad, mi responsabilidad

Protecting the unique biodiversity of the Mesoamerican Reef

The Mesoamerican Reef is home to some of the last healthy populations of Caribbean staghorn and elkhorn corals.
KfW cooperates with MAR Fund to strengthen protected areas in the region.
KfW has been involved in the conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef on behalf of the German Federal Government since … Further reading...
Continue readingMéxico ya cuenta con dos bancos genéticos para salvaguardar especies emblemáticas de coral

Building Resilience and Addressing Risk in the Mesoamerican Reef

Honduras Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades