Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA)
Small Grants for Central America
GAGGA is an initiative led by the Central American Women’s Fund (FCAM) with the participation of Both ENDS and Mama Cash as partners. The purpose of GAGGA is to strengthen and unify the capabilities of grassroots groups to advocate for women’s rights to water, food security and a clean, healthy and safe environment.
The GAGGA initiative focuses on providing flexible financial support so that grassroots groups and social movements for women’s rights and environmental justice around the world can help the specific needs of women and their communities.
The Mesoamerican Reef Fund (MAR Fund) submitted a project proposal within the framework of the GAGGA initiative to Both ENDS to be developed in Guatemala and Honduras. Fondo Tierra Viva (FTV) a Honduran NGO with extensive experience in capacity-building on advocacy for grassroots groups in Honduras also submitted a project to Both ENDS. The proposals were approved and MAR Fund signed a grant agreement with Both ENDS for both initiatives, with the responsibility of managing the funds for FTV.
In November 2016, the Mesoamerica Reef Fund launched a request for proposals under the GAGGA scheme, and entitled it “Support and strengthening of women’s groups in adaptation to climate change and environmental justice in the Mesoamerican Reef (Honduras and Guatemala)”. The purpose of the call was to support projects of grassroots groups and non-governmental organizations in the priority coastal and marine protected areas of these two countries. Seven projects were approved, four from Guatemala and three from Honduras. All of them were implemented from March 2017 to February 2018.
The projects focus on developing local actions for adaptation to climate change, and providing capacity building on strengthening the rights of women to access of environmental, social, cultural and economic goods and services.
MAR Fund, through the GAGGA initiative, aims to contribute to the development and implementation of tools to strengthen climate change resilience strategies and to participate and influence decision-making at the community, municipal and national levels, in order to direct actions that lead to improve quality of life.
Project title: Strengthening the capacities of Q’eqchi women and a group of leading garífuna women as a strategy to promote the sustainable management of natural resources in the Sarstun River Multiple Use Zone
Duration of the Project: 10 months
Project documents
• Reports
o Guía metodológica de aprendizaje para fortalecer el eco desarrollo de las comunidades locales dentro de las áreas protegidas