Given its role as a regional coordinating and fundraising institution, the MAR Fund relies heavily on the four in-country founding members to provide the daily oversight, monitoring, and evaluation for the implementing organizations/grantees. The existing in-country funds, with minor exceptions, possess the skill and capacity to do so capably.
Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C. (FMCN) – México
Is an independent, non-profit organization founded in 1994. It has 20 years of experience financing and supervising conservation projects. During the last 20 years FMCN has supported over 1,000 projects with a total of more than 60 million dollars. FMCN raises funds principally from international entities and private foundations. The mission of FMCN is to financially support and strengthen efforts for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Mexico. Its vision is that Mexico will reverse the process of deterioration of its ecosystems, and Mexican society will value its biodiversity. FMCN guarantees donors and partners the effective and transparent use of resources.
Protected Areas Conservation (PACT) – Belize
Although a small country by geography and population, Belize is immensely blessed with natural wonders. Recognizing the importance of its national heritage, Belize began establishing its protected areas system in the 1960s. The Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) is Belize’s national conservation trust and provides funds for supporting conservation and promoting environmentally sound management of Belize’s natural and cultural resources to foster sustainable development. PACT offers project grants and capacity building grants for protected areas management, conservation, promotion and development; environmental education and awareness; and community development around protected areas. Since its inception in 1996, PACT has invested over $16.5 million USD in the protected areas system of Belize.
Fundación para la Conservación de los Recursos Naturales y de Ambiente en Guatemala (FCG)
Fundación para la Conservación en Guatemala. Created in 2000, FCG has managed funds for about $ 4 million USD in the last years, through its diverse structure of grants, small grants, and sub-accounts, to support initiatives on biodiversity and natural resources, environmental education, natural and cultural heritage, coastal marine resources, research and environmental law, among others. It also administrates the $24 million USD of the Tropical Forest Conservation Fund, product of a debt-for-nature swap with the United States. FCG’s team of six permanent staff and temporary consultants and external evaluators, administers, monitors, and evaluates projects in accordance with its general objective to promote the biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and use of natural resources, environmental management, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Fundación Biosfera (FB) – Honduras
Fundación Biosfera. Established as a legal entity in 2002, FB is a conservation fund existing in Honduras. Up to date FB has administered five local projects funded by MAR Fund and one financed by WWF in the Caribbean Coast of Honduras; additionally supports activities of MAR Fund providing technical support and monitoring projects financed by KFW through MAR Fund in Roatan and Utila Islands as part of the Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America. Efforts have been done to establish institutional linkages and alliances with local organizations/institutions both public and private to widen impact of conservation and protection activities in protected areas of the Atlantic Region of Honduras.