Training of brigade members for post-coral storm care continues in the MAR

Participants performed flotation and swimming exercises. Photo: Claudia Ruiz/MAR Fund
The Belize Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades course “Rapid Response and Emergency Reef Restoration” course was held in San Pedro, Belize from May 16-20.
Ten people participated in this training, including expert divers, protected area managers, resource managers, tourism operators and community volunteers. All of them were representatives from different Belizean organizations such as the Belize Fisheries Department, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA), University of Belize Research Institute, Belize Audubon Society and Xsite Belize Sailing & Adventures, among others.
This training was carried out as part of the capacity building component of the MAR Fund’s Reef Rescue Initiative. The course is developed in close collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, with support from the Belize Fisheries Department, Hol Chan Marine Reserve and TASA.

Two of the course participants learned how to use the hoist bag. Photo: Juan Carlos Huitrón