Press Release: Virtual Regional Workshop for the Exchange of Experiences in Post-Storm Response Capacity to Mitigate the Impact of Hurricanes on Coral Reefs

Caye Bokel on Turneffe, Belize’s newest dive rest-stop

La Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Rescate de Arrecifes presenta avances de su trabajo

TASA implemented a business plan to manage Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve utilizing a blended finance modality

Training of brigade members for post-coral storm care continues in the MAR

Belize Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades

Results of 2019 on the protection and conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef

Photo: José Manuel del Busto Miralbés
We are pleased to share with you some of the most important results of 2019. We acknowledge and appreciate the wonderful work and passion of our partners in the region and our donors´ commitment. We are delighted to share your work and successes … Further reading...
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