Sustainability is key to consolidating a coastal marine protected area

Hendryc Acevedo, Technical Unit Director of the National Council of Protected Areas in Punta de Manabique, Puerto Barrios, Izabal. Photo by Lucy Calderón/MARFund
By Lucy Calderón
“One of the greatest lessons we have learned during the implementation of the project Conservation of Marine Resources in Central America is how … Further reading...
Continue readingJóvenes siembran las semillas para vivir en una Guatemala limpia y saludable

De izquierda a derecha: Javier Archila, Enma Aldana, Melisa Mazariegos y Diego Zelada lideraron los proyectos ganadores de los “Mini-grants: las 4Rs”. Foto: Lucy Calderón/MAR Fund
Por Lucy Calderón
Felices y agradecidos, los líderes de los cuatro grupos de jóvenes guatemaltecos que obtuvieron el fondo de subvención “Mini-grants: … Further reading...
Continue readingDrugs, mining, monoculture threaten Guatemala’s mangrove ecosystems

According to Guatemala’s Center for Conservationist Studies (CECON), Lake Izabal’s famous “Bird Island” will soon disappear. Credit: Jesús Alfonso.
By Francelia Solano
Translation by Monica Santizo and Richard Brown
On Guatemala’s Caribbean coast, criminal activity is destroying mangroves and the livelihoods of families who depend on them. Yet Guatemala’s … Further reading...
Continue readingMesoamerican Reef: Insuring a natural asset in the name of conservation

Banner image: Angel fish are just one of many species that live in the Guatemalan reefs / Credit: Ana Giró/HRI.
By Patricia González
The Reef Rescue Initiative is working to extend parametric insurance to the entire Mesoamerican Reef System in an effort to protect and conserve coral reefs through … Further reading...
Continue readingResults of 2019 on the protection and conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef

Photo: José Manuel del Busto Miralbés
We are pleased to share with you some of the most important results of 2019. We acknowledge and appreciate the wonderful work and passion of our partners in the region and our donors´ commitment. We are delighted to share your work and successes … Further reading...
Continue readingBiólogo marino británico alerta sobre amenazas a manglares

Photo: Gilmar Flores/Proyecto MAR2R-CCDA/MAR Fund.
Durante el tiempo que el biólogo marino Steven Canty ha estado trabajando en equipo con el Fondo para el Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano (MAR Fund, en inglés) han estado convocando a socios de toda la ecorregión del Arrecife Mesoamericano, México, Belice, Guatemala y Honduras, para … Further reading...
Continue readingLa batalla por el arrecife de Amatique

Jacinto Bolom de 72 años recoge su trasmallo en la frontera de Belice y Guatemala durante el amanecer.
Foto: No-Ficción/Oswaldo J. Hernández.
El Atlántico de Guatemala ha llegado a su límite. Dos barcos camaroneros más y el ecosistema marino que sostiene el arrecife de Foudara, en las costas de
… Further reading... Continue readingThe Mesoamerican Reef Restoration Network of the Mesoamerican Reef has a new Executive Committee

From left to right: Carlos Rodríguez, Ana Giró, Gabriela Ochoa, Anastazia Banaszak, and Lisa Carne.
At the Second Biennial Meeting of the Mesoamerican Reef Restoration Network held in Belize City during the first week of October, the new Executive Committee for the 2019-2021 period was elected.
The members of … Further reading...
Continue reading¡Vamos a Barra Cocolí!

Texto y Fotos: Lucy Calderón
Para sus próximas vacaciones considere visitar el proyecto de turismo comunitario de la aldea Barra Cocolí -en el municipio de Lívingston, departamento de Izabal, Guatemala- el cual lidera un grupo de pescadores del Arrecife Mesoamericano.
Esta iniciativa inaugurada en junio recién pasado es resultado … Further reading...
Continue readingA Regional Sustainable Management Strategy for Mangroves in the Mesoamerican Reef

Dwarf mangrove forests in the Guatemalan Caribbean region.
Text and photographs: Lucy Calderón
Specialized lectures, group activities, friendly discussions, and participative group meetings enlivened the workshop “Developing a Regional Strategy for Mangrove Conservation and Restoration in the Mesoamerican Reef”, held in Guatemala City on 18-20 September, 2019.
“After two … Further reading...
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