Ecological connectivity is key to the life cycle of the species that inhabit the Mesoamerican Reef

Fish known as blue chromis swimming in the coral reefs of the Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge in Guatemala. Photo: Sergio Hernández/CONAP
By Lucy Calderón
Allured by the beauty of the sea and attempting to understand its power, Eloy Sosa-Cordero pursued an undergraduate degree in Oceanology at the Autonomous … Further reading...
Continue readingTouching closing of project in BICA-Utila

Mangrove and seagrass ecosystems of Utile are valuable for the health of the Mesoamerican Reef.
Text and photos: Lucy Calderón
In a warm environment –with the prevailing typical tropical warm weather of the Utila island, plus the warmth of comradery, affection and friendship between the public and the organizers … Further reading...
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