To defend the ocean’s biodiversity is to defend human well-being
Photo: Kate Sutter
MAR Fund joins the leadership of the Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) and other organizations by signing the civil society organizations’ declaration titled: DEFENDING OCEAN BIODIVERSITY IS DEFENDING HUMAN WELL-BEING. This declaration calls for concrete and effective actions from the Parties to the Convention on … Further reading...
Mesoamerican Reef Report Card – 2024
Photo: Henry Brown
On October 29, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People launched the 2024 Mesoamerican Reef Report Card, a crucial assessment presented simultaneously in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. This year, it was also showcased at COP16 in Colombia.
In Guatemala, a main panel was formed to highlight the importance … Further reading...
Commitment to the Ocean: MAR Fund at Climate Week
MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Launch Event
El bienestar de los ecosistemas insulares requiere el manejo de las especies exóticas invasoras
Ecological connectivity is key to the life cycle of the species that inhabit the Mesoamerican Reef
Fish known as blue chromis swimming in the coral reefs of the Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge in Guatemala. Photo: Sergio Hernández/CONAP
By Lucy Calderón
Allured by the beauty of the sea and attempting to understand its power, Eloy Sosa-Cordero pursued an undergraduate degree in Oceanology at the Autonomous … Further reading...
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