Belize Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades

The trainers are experienced divers with extensive experience. Photo: MAR Fund
The Belize Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades course “Rapid Response and Emergency Reef Restoration” course is being held in San Pedro, Belize from August 23-27.
This is the fourth course of a series of trainings that MAR Fund and The Nature Conservancy, are conducting in the Mesoamerican Reef region. The courses aim to create response capacity at key reef sites for emergency response after reefs are impacted by hurricanes and storms.
Fourteen people from different places in Belize are participating in this training. Participants include expert divers, fishermen, protected area managers, park rangers, tour operators, and community members. Some of them are representatives from local organization such as the Belize Fisheries Department, Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA), Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Caye Caulker Marine Reserve, Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development and ECOMAR, among others. The training is being carried out with the collaboration and support of the Belize Fisheries Department, Hol Chan Marine Reserve and TASA.