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Drugs, mining, monoculture threaten Guatemala’s mangrove ecosystems

According to Guatemala’s Center for Conservationist Studies (CECON), Lake Izabal’s famous “Bird Island” will soon disappear. Credit: Jesús Alfonso.


By Francelia Solano
Translation by Monica Santizo and Richard Brown

On Guatemala’s Caribbean coast, criminal activity is destroying mangroves and the livelihoods of families who depend on them. Yet Guatemala’s Further reading...

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A Regional Sustainable Management Strategy for Mangroves in the Mesoamerican Reef

Dwarf mangrove forests in the Guatemalan Caribbean region.


Text and photographs: Lucy Calderón

Specialized lectures, group activities, friendly discussions, and participative group meetings enlivened the workshop “Developing a Regional Strategy for Mangrove Conservation and Restoration in the Mesoamerican Reef”, held in Guatemala City on 18-20 September, 2019.

“After two … Further reading...

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