- Los proponentes deberán asumir todos los costos asociados con la elaboración y la presentación de las propuestas que someterán a evaluación de MAR Fund en el marco de la/las presente(s) convocatoria(s), por lo que reconocen que no existe obligación alguna por parte de MAR Fund de cubrir dichos costos – ya sea total o parcialmente – ni de proporcionar ningún anticipo o compensación en caso de que su(s) propuesta(s) no resulte elegida(s).
- Los proponentes reconocen y aceptan que la elaboración de la/las propuesta(s) no constituye una obligación financiera por parte de MAR Fund, por lo que la responsabilidad económica y financiera de la elaboración de la(s) propuesta(s) es exclusivamente del/los proponente(s), independientemente del resultado del proceso de selección.
- El proceso de selección se desarrollará de acuerdo a los lineamientos internos de evaluación de MAR Fund y el resultado que emane del mismo será inapelable.
- Solo los proponentes que pasen a la siguiente etapa del proceso de selección serán contactados.

Consultancy for the Development of MAR Fund’s 20th Anniversary Book Mesoamerican Reef Fund
1. Background
The Mesoamerican Reef Fund (MAR Fund) is a regional, private environmental fund created with the objective of supporting the protection of the Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) ecoregion, shared by Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Honduras. Its mission is to seek, secure and facilitate regional funding, foster partnerships and drive capacity building for the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems in the Mesoamerican Reef region.
MAR Fund prioritizes projects and distributes funding. In its 20 years, it has raised US$45.8 million in project funding US$14.3 million in sinking funds and manages an endowment of US$34.5 million as of September 2024. MAR Fund has provided funding to partners in the region through different channels, such as small grants and large, multiannual projects. MAR Fund grantees include community organizations, NGOs, governmental organizations, academia and individuals.
The Fund carries out its mission through five programs, as follows:
- Saving our protected areas: a legacy of caring. Establishment and protection of an interconnected network of priority coastal and marine protected areas in the region.
- Fishing for the future: sustainable fisheries for a thriving reef. Community participation in co- management of their fisheries, establishment of fish replenishment zones and monitoring and protection of fish spawning aggregations.
- Climate change: the need is now. Supporting adaptation to climate change and its impacts on the reef.
- Belize marine fund: enhancing marine conservation in Belize with the participation of local stakeholders, for wider regional benefit.
- Clean water for the Reef: improving sewage and solid waste management for a healthier ecoregion and its people.
MAR Fund is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2025. To commemorate this milestone, MAR Fund aims to develop a comprehensive book that reflects its history, achievements, and contributions to the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of the MAR and the results of the critically important conservation work carried out by MAR Fund partners. This book will add to the previous collection published in collaboration with authors, such as Written with Blue Ink 1 and 2 and Women of the MAR. These works have provided valuable insights into the region’s conservation efforts and the people behind them, and we hope to continue this tradition of documenting and sharing the important stories of the Mesoamerican Reef.
More information about the MAR Fund can be found at https://marfund.org
2. Objective of the consultancy
To produce a high-quality book that captures the history, achievements, and impact of MAR Fund and its partners over the past 20 years. The book will present the organization’s journey, milestones, and key stakeholders’ contributions through compelling narratives, testimonials, and visuals.
3. Scope of work
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
a) Historical research
- Compile information on MAR Fund’s history, including its founding, mission, evolution, and major milestones.
- Review and analyze existing documents such as annual reports, strategic plans, and other communication materials.
b) Interviews and testimonials
- Conduct interviews with at least 10 key stakeholders, including founders, board members, staff, partners, and beneficiaries.
- Collect testimonials and insights to highlight MAR Fund’s impact and the personal experiences of those involved.
c) Content development
- Develop a coherent and engaging narrative for the book, covering MAR Fund’s history, achievements, challenges, and vision for the future, to include the results and impact of the partner organizations in the MAR.
- Include a dedicated chapter on the history of conservation in the MAR region, highlighting key milestones, efforts, and stakeholders involved in conservation work over time.
- Organize the content into chapters or sections to ensure a logical flow and readability.
d) Design and presentation
- Collaborate with graphic designers to ensure the book’s visual appeal and alignment with MAR Fund’s branding.
- Provide input on layout, images, infographics, and other visual elements.
e) Review and editing
- Ensure the content is thoroughly reviewed and edited for accuracy, clarity, and consistency.
- Incorporate feedback from MAR Fund’s Communications Committee, work team and stakeholders.
f) Final product
- Deliver a high-quality, professionally designed book in both printed and digital formats.
- Ensure the digital version is accessible and optimized for online distribution
4. Methodology
The consultant is expected to use the following methodology:
a) Analysis of historical documents
- Review existing historical records, reports, and communication materials provided by MAR Fund.
b) Stakeholder interviews
- Conduct in-depth interviews with at least 10 strategic actors identified by MAR Fund.
- Use these interviews to gather diverse perspectives and anecdotes.
c) Coordination with MAR Fund work team
- Collaborate with a designated team within MAR Fund to ensure the content aligns with the organization’s history and values.
d) Stakeholder involvement
- Involve various stakeholders throughout the book development process to ensure inclusivity and representation of different partners and their work.
5. Deliverables
- Detailed work plan outlining the approach, timeline, and milestones.
- A draft outline of the book’s content structure.
- Transcripts or summaries of stakeholder interviews.
- Draft versions of the book for review and feedbac
- Final book in both printed and digital formats, including:
- Print-ready files for a high-quality physical book.
- A digital version optimized for online distribution.
6. Supervision and coordination
The consultancy will include desk-based work, virtual meetings with key MAR Fund staff and Board members, calls with key partners/stakeholders. The consultant will report directly to the MAR Fund executive director and the President of the Communications Committee and final approval of the book will be provided by the Communications Committee.
MAR Fund will provide access to key documents and will review drafts, track work to date, answer questions and provide ongoing feedback. MAR Fund will also provide travel expenses for the consultant when necessary and will provide introduction to stakeholders involved in the process.
7. Products and payments
Payments will be made upon approval of deliverables: 30% after completion of inception call and delivery of work plan, 40% on the completion of the draft versions of the book, and 30% on the completion and MAR Fund approval of final version of all documents.
8. Duration of the consultancy
The consultancy is expected to be completed within six months, with specific deadlines for key deliverables to be agreed upon at the start of the project.
9. Place of work
Place of residence of the consultant.
10. Confidentiality and copyright
10.1 Confidentiality
The consultant commits to carrying out the assigned tasks with the highest standards and ethical considerations. MAR Fund reserves the right to instruct the consultant on the information that must be treated with confidentiality.
10.2. Copyright
MAR Fund holds the copyright to the products generated through this consultancy.
11. Qualifications of the consultant
Individual consultants and teams of consultants possessing the qualifications outlined below are invited to apply:
- Proven experience in writing and developing publications, particularly commemorative or historical books.
- Strong research, writing, and storytelling skills.
- Familiarity with conservation and environmental topics, preferably in the Mesoamerican Reef region.
- Experience collaborating with designers and managing publication projects.
- Excellent communication skills in [language(s), e.g., English and Spanish].
12. Proposal submission
Interested consultants are invited to submit a proposal including:
- Expression of interest indicating a brief description of their approach to this project.
- Relevant experience and examples of similar work.
- A proposed timeline and budget (with a maximum budget of $17,500 USD).
- Contact information for at least two references/previous clients.
13. Deadline and contact
Proposals and inquiries should be sent to Lluvia Soto at lsoto@marfund.org with the subject reading “MAR Fund 20th anniversary book”, no later than March 21, 2025.

Términos de Referencia Mesoamerican Reef Fund (MAR Fund):
Punto Focal para Guatemala
Proyecto: Protección de los recursos marítimos en América Central III
Convenio de Financiación: BMZ-No. 2017.6892.8 (Fase III)
1. Antecedentes
El Mesoamerican Reef Fund Inc. (MAR Fund) es un fondo ambiental regional privado cuyo objetivo principal es proteger la ecorregión del Arrecife Mesoamericano (SAM) compartida entre México, Belice, Guatemala y Honduras. Su misión es buscar, asegurar y facilitar financiamiento regional, fomentar alianzas y promover el desarrollo de capacidades para la conservación, restauración y uso sostenible de los ecosistemas marinos y costeros en el Arrecife Mesoamericano.
MAR Fund desarrolla sus actividades a través de cuatro programas: 1) Salvando nuestras áreas protegidas, 2) Pesca para el futuro, 3) Cambio climático y 4) Agua limpia para el arrecife. También desarrolla una iniciativa transversal llamada MAR+Invest y ha apoyado el establecimiento y operación de redes regionales que incluyen la Red de Conectividad, la Red de Restauración de Arrecifes, la Red de Pesquerías Sostenibles y más recientemente la Red de Sitios de Agregaciones Reproductivas de Peces.
En el marco del programa Salvando nuestras áreas protegidas, que se centra en el establecimiento y protección de una red interconectada de áreas marinas y costeras prioritarias, MAR Fund inició la ejecución del proyecto “Protección de los recursos marítimos en América Central III” (Fase III), que da continuidad a las experiencias de Fases I y II. En las primeras dos fases, se apoyaron nueve áreas protegidas marinas y costeras (APMC) prioritarias con base en los resultados de un ejercicio regional de priorización llevado a cabo en el 2007. En esta tercera fase, se espera apoyar al menos 18 APMC. La selección de las APMC a ser apoyadas se lleva a cabo a través de dos convocatorias a propuestas de proyecto. La primera convocatoria estuvo dirigida a las APMC prioritarias definidas en el segundo ejercicio regional de priorización llevado a cabo en el 2016, y la segunda convocatoria fue abierta a todas las APMC del SAM.
Fase III es cofinanciada por la Cooperación Alemana a través del KfW. Su objetivo es la conservación y el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales en y entre áreas protegidas marinas y costeras seleccionadas de la región SAM. Los resultados esperados del proyecto son:
- Las APMC cuentan con mejores condiciones para la conservación de sus recursos naturales.
- Medidas implementadas para el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales de las APMC con la participación de la población local.
- Cooperación fortalecida entre actores clave para la conservación de la biodiversidad del SAM.
La ejecución de Fase III es responsabilidad de MAR Fund, quien tiene a su cargo la coordinación general, la administración, así como la supervisión técnica y financiera del proyecto. A lo interno de la organización, se conformó una Unidad Ejecutora del Proyecto (UEP) integrada por una coordinadora, dos oficiales técnicos, una asistente administrativa y puntos focales, uno en cada país de la región para el seguimiento técnico de proyectos en campo.
II. Objetivo de la contratación
El Punto Focal para Guatemala se encargará de brindar apoyo técnico durante el proceso de evaluación de propuestas y a las áreas protegidas con propuestas aprobadas. Este apoyo se proporcionará directamente a las organizaciones beneficiarias, asegurando la ejecución efectiva de los proyectos y el cumplimiento de los indicadores de resultados establecidos en cada propuesta aprobada, así como los indicadores de resultados de la Fase III.
III. Responsabilidades del Punto Focal para Guatemala
a. Generales:
Apoyo y seguimiento técnico a las áreas protegidas de Guatemala para la implementación de los proyectos aprobados en el marco del Proyecto Protección de los recursos marítimos en América Central III.
b. Específicas:
b.1 Fase de implementación
- Apoyar a la Coordinadora del proyecto en la planificación e implementación de las actividades requeridas para la ejecución efectiva del proyecto en las áreas protegidas beneficiarias y mantener una comunicación constante con la UEP
- Apoyar la operación de la 2 convocatoria a proyectos, con base en los procesos y herramientas aprobadas. a
- Proporcionar apoyo en el establecimiento de la coordinación interinstitucional necesaria para el desarrollo efectivo y exitoso de las actividades del proyecto en y entre áreas protegidas.
- Apoyar a las áreas protegidas beneficiarias en la elaboración de su plan operativo trienal (POT) y presupuesto y las actualizaciones requeridas, según sea necesario.
Para mayor información, por favor descargar el documento TdR aquí
b.2 Gestión de aspectos ambientales y sociales
- Monitorear la aplicación del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental y Social (ESMS por sus siglas en inglés), del Plan de Compromiso Ambiental y Social (PCAS) y de cualquier otra medida que sea requerida en el marco del ESMS de MAR Fund por parte de los beneficiarios.
- Verificar que los beneficiaros reportan adecuadamente sobre el ESMS, el plan de acción ambiental y social (PAAS) y cualquier otro documento requerido en el marco del ESMS en los reportes técnicos (semestral, anual y final) a entregar a MAR Fund.
- Monitorear mensualmente informes relacionados con el marco de atención a reclamos de cada beneficiario.
b.3 Cierre de proyecto
a) Apoyar el seguimiento a los requerimientos de MAR Fund y el KfW para el debido cierre de proyecto en el 2028.
IV. Relaciones y responsabilidades
El Punto Focal para Guatemala trabajará bajo la supervisión directa de la Coordinadora de la UEP y la Dirección Técnica de MAR Fund. Dará seguimiento a los beneficiarios del proyecto en Guatemala.
V. Salario
El salario mensual se asignará según experiencia del (la) Punto Focal. Laborará bajo un contrato en relación de dependencia, con un período de prueba de dos meses.
El proyecto tiene una duración de cuatro años; la duración máxima de la posición es hasta diciembre de 2028.
Fecha tentativa de inicio: finales de marzo, 2025.
Adicionalmente se cubrirá lo siguiente:
- Seguro médico y seguro de vida durante la vigencia del contrato de trabajo.
- Gastos de viaje, si así es requerido, según políticas establecidas por MAR Fund (previa presentación de facturas y recibos originales).
VI. Lugar de trabajo
El Punto Focal para Guatemala estará basado en el departamento de Izabal y deberá tener disponibilidad para viajar a las áreas protegidas del Caribe guatemalteco.
VII. Confidencialidad y Derechos de autor
VIII.I. Confidencialidad
El Punto Focal para Guatemala se compromete a realizar las tareas asignadas con los más altos estándares y consideraciones éticas. MAR Fund se reserva el derecho de instruir a el/la Punto Focal sobre la información que debe ser tratada con confidencialidad.
VIII.II. Derechos de autor
MAR Fund posee los derechos de autor de los productos generados a través de este contrato.
VIII. Cualificaciones y atributos del Punto Focal para Guatemala
Formación académica
Contar con título profesional en gestión de recursos naturales, conservación y manejo de recursos naturales, gestión de proyectos, desarrollo rural, biología, biología marina, acuicultura, ingeniería ambiental o carreras afines, que demuestren experiencia en diseño, evaluación y seguimiento de proyectos, específicamente ambientales y de conservación.
Experiencia laboral
- Al menos 5 años de experiencia práctica en conservación y manejo de recursos costeros y marinos, de preferencia en áreas protegidas.
- Experiencia en el diseño, evaluación y monitoreo de proyectos de conservación y/o gestión ambiental, de preferencia en áreas protegidas.
- Experiencia en desarrollo rural y trabajo comunitario.
- Experiencia en el desarrollo e implementación de salvaguardas ambientales y sociales.
- Conocimiento de la región del Arrecife Mesoamericano en particular del Caribe guatemalteco.
- Orientado a la acción y resultados. Excelentes capacidades de organización, atención a detalle y cumplimiento con fechas de entrega.
- Excelentes relaciones interpersonales.
- Excelentes capacidades verbales y escritas en inglés y español. Capacidad para producir documentos técnicos de alta calidad en ambos idiomas.
- Disponibilidad para viajar constantemente a las áreas costeras y marinas protegidas de Guatemala para este proyecto.
IX. Documentación requerida
Las personas interesadas deberán enviar la siguiente información:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Tres referencias profesionales (nombre, puesto, organización, correo electrónico)
- Ensayo de un máximo de dos páginas en el que describa su experiencia laboral y por qué considera que es la persona idónea para este trabajo, en el idioma de su elección.
La fecha límite para recibir las aplicaciones es el 28 de febrero del 2025. Las aplicaciones deberán enviarse en forma electrónica a la siguiente dirección de correo: arivas@marfund.org

Terms of Reference:
1. Background
The Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) coastline stretches for 1,000 kilometers from the tip of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to the Bay Islands and coastal Honduras, through the Caribbean coast of Guatemala, all of Belize and Quintana Roo, Mexico. The MAR includes the largest barrier reef in the Atlantic and is an integral component of an interconnected and transboundary system of coastal habitats. The MAR region is world renowned for its diverse natural wonders as well as its rich cultural and ethnic diversity.
The Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) is a blended finance instrument to mobilize action and resources to protect and restore coral reef ecosystems. GFCR supports efforts to incubate and accelerate revenue-generating interventions that can sustainably finance the mitigation and elimination of unsustainable direct and indirect local drivers of coral reef degradation.
In 2022, GFCR approved the creation of MAR+Invest, the business and finance facility for the MAR. MAR+Invest, led by MAR Fund, convenes a partnership of organizations from the MAR countries, including New Ventures Group & Viwala, Mexican Fund for the Conservation of Nature & Sureste Sostenible, and the Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative. The program partners bring together
diverse expertise on conservation, monitoring, leadership, capacity building, conservation finance, innovation and impact investment sectors.
MAR+Invest supports the development of enterprises that generate coral positive outcomes and market returns. It calls for proposals to identify potential market initiatives in different stages of development, with a reef positive end result for the MAR.
It identifies, incubates, and enables finance solutions that offer a scale of impact capable of reducing local threats to the reef, generate alternative livelihoods, increase financial sustainability for coastal and marine protected areas in the MAR, grow an Emergency Fund managed by MAR Fund, and ultimately attract capital to develop a coral positive investment portfolio. During the first phase, which started in July 2022, MAR+Invest established the technical assistance facility (MARTAF), managed by MAR Fund, and the Financing Facility, managed by New Ventures. These two structures are the foundation of MAR+Invest to attract catalytic and commercial capital to the ecoregion to build the resilience of MAR coral reefs via blended finance. Now, in the second phase from June 2024 to May 2026, MAR+Invest will consolidate its plans to grow the Blue Economy sector for the MAR region, by supporting reef-positive ventures and attracting capital.
More information about this initiative can be found at : https://mar-invest.org/
Sargassum, a type of brown seaweed, has been rapidly proliferating in the Atlantic Ocean, forming massive floating mats that have become a pressing concern for the Caribbean region. These blooms have significantly increased in frequency and intensity over the past decade, posing a serious threat to the delicate marine ecosystems of the Caribbean, particularly coral reefs.
When sargassum washes ashore, it can smother coral reefs, blocking sunlight and preventing photosynthesis, leading to coral bleaching and death. Additionally, decomposing sargassum releases nutrients and toxins into the water, degrading water quality and harming marine life. The accumulation of sargassum on reefs can also increase sedimentation, smothering corals and reducing their ability to feed and reproduce. The accumulation of sargassum on reefs can also increase sedimentation, smothering corals and reducing their ability to feed and reproduce[1].
Several factors are believed to contribute to the proliferation of sargassum, including increased nutrient pollution from agricultural activities and coastal development, as well as changes in ocean currents and temperatures due to climate change. The combined effects of these factors have resulted in a dramatic increase in sargassum blooms, posing a significant threat to the health and biodiversity of Caribbean coral reefs[2].
[1] F. Antonio-Martínez, Y. Henaut, A. Vega-Zepeda, et al., «Leachate Effects of Pelagic Sargassum spp. on Larval Swimming Behavior of the Coral Acropora Palmata,» Scientific Reports 10 (2020): 3910, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60864-z.
[2] Mengqiu Wanget al.The great AtlanticSargassumbelt.Science365,83 87(2019).DOI:10.1126/science.aaw7912
Addressing the sargassum problem requires a multifaceted approach involving mechanical removal strategies, research and development of mitigation techniques, and international cooperation. Investing in these efforts is crucial to protect the vital ecosystems of the Caribbean and ensure the long-term sustainability of the region’s marine resources.
Carbonwave is a pioneering company dedicated to the sustainable collection and transformation of Sargassum seaweed from the Caribbean, a natural resource with vast potential. The company’s innovative approach focuses on converting this abundant marine biomass into valuable products for the agricultural and cosmetics industries.
In agriculture, Carbonwave produces bio-stimulants that enhance plant growth and soil health. These bio-stimulants are designed to improve crop resilience and productivity, offering farmers a sustainable solution that supports higher yields while reducing environmental impact. For the cosmetics industry, Carbonwave develops natural emulsifiers derived from Sargassum. These emulsifiers provide superior performance and skin benefits, enabling the creation of effective and environmentally friendly beauty and personal care products. Carbonwave’s commitment to sustainability and innovation drives its mission to transform the challenges posed by Sargassum into beneficial, earth-friendly solutions. Through its cutting-edge technology and eco-conscious practices, Carbonwave is leading the way in creating a greener, more sustainable future. However, Carbonwave’s processing of Sargassum is notably water-intensive, requiring approximately 10,000 liters of water per processing cycle. This process generates a significant amount of wastewater that must be disposed of safely. As Carbonwave scales up its production, managing water usage and wastewater disposal has become a critical focus area.
Note: The maximum capacity for processing Fresh Sargassum is 8-10 tons per day.
Mitigation of Sargassum Contamination
Upcycling sargassum with an efficient water use method will have several positive environmental impacts as it avoids contamination.
1. Efficient Processing of Sargassum
- By processing 8-10 tons of sargassum per day, the facility can remove significant amounts of this seaweed from beaches, directly reducing the volume of sargassum that washes ashore.
- Efficient processing helps prevent the accumulation of sargassum, which can decompose and release harmful substances into the marine environment and the air, impacting tourism and local ecosystems, such as reefs.
2. Pollutant Removal from Wastewater
- Sargassum processing generates wastewater that may contain various pollutants such as organic matter, salts, and possibly toxic substances.
- The pilot wastewater treatment system aims to effectively remove these pollutants, ensuring that any discharged water is clean and safe, thus preventing secondary pollution of coastal waters.
3. Water Reuse and Conservation
- Treating and reusing wastewater within the facility can reduce the demand for fresh water, which is crucial in regions where water scarcity is an issue.
- By recycling water, the facility minimizes its environmental footprint, promoting sustainable practices that can be scaled up.
4. Reduced Environmental Impact
- Reducing the facility’s freshwater consumption by 80-90% means that less water is extracted from local sources, preserving these for other critical uses.
- Lower water consumption also means reduced energy use and lower operational costs, making the processing facility more sustainable and economically viable.
5. Scalable and Sustainable Solution
- The pilot’s success will provide valuable data and confidence for full-scale implementation.
- Once fully implemented, the facility can process larger volumes of sargassum with minimal environmental impact, providing a scalable solution to sargassum contamination.
Additional Benefits
- Economic Impact: Cleaner beaches enhance tourism and local businesses, providing economic benefits to coastal communities.
- Ecological Balance: Removing sargassum and treating wastewater helps maintain the health of marine ecosystems, supporting biodiversity.
- Innovation in Waste Management: Developing effective wastewater treatment for sargassum processing can serve as a model for other facilities dealing with similar issues, promoting wider adoption of sustainable practices.
In summary, piloting and implementing a wastewater treatment system at Carbonwave’s sargassum processing facility not only improves the efficiency and environmental impact of sargassum removal but also ensures that the process itself does not contribute to further contamination. By treating and reusing water, the facility can operate sustainably, setting a precedent for environmentally responsible sargassum management.
2. Objectives of the consultancy
The objective of this consultancy is to pilot a wastewater treatment system to reduce the use of water required for the processing of sargassum, by reusing and properly treating these waters.
3. Contract responsibilities
- Assess current Wastewater Treatment System at Carbonwave: test the system and provide a baseline of data for effluent quality, treatment efficiency, and compliance with environmental regulations
- Pilot a Wastewater Treatment System: This involves testing a smaller-scale version of the proposed system to evaluate its effectiveness in a controlled environment.
- Verify Effectiveness in Pollutant Removal: Assessing how well the system can remove harmful pollutants from the wastewater generated during sargassum processing.
- Water Reuse: Examining the potential for treated water to be reused within the facility, significantly reducing the need for freshwater.
- Reduce Water Consumption by 80-90%: Aiming for a substantial reduction in the overall water usage, which can have multiple environmental and operational benefits.
The consultancy report will contain a written report in Word, a PowerPoint presentation of the key findings and a 5-minute video presenting the results. All data should be shared in an Excel database, and pictures in high resolution. If taking and using pictures that include people, the consultant must request a signed waiver releasing the use of their image for communication purposes.
The consultant must follow the Environmental and Social Management System of MAR Fund. For more information, visit: https://marfund.org/en/esms/
4. Oversight
The consultant will report directly to the MAR+Invest Coordinator (MAR Fund) who will act as focal point for this consultancy and will coordinate the revision of products with Pegasus Capital, when required. She will also coordinate between the consulting team and the Research & Development (R&D) team of Carbonwave, who will be responsible for the technical evaluation of the delivered products.
The final products and report will be approved ultimately by MAR Fund.
5. Duration of the contract
This consultancy will have a maximum duration of 6-10 months and starts on the date of the contract signature.
6. Payments
The payments will be disbursed based on the products delivered for this consultancy, and based on the work plan and timeline developed by the consultant and agreed to by MAR Fund.
7. Place of Work
The consultant must work from his/her place of residence and be able to travel, if necessary, to the sites of interest in these terms of reference.
8. Qualifications and attributes of the consultants
The consultant(s) or consulting agencies will have the following profiles:
- Water Science and Treatment Consultant(s): Requires a minimum of 2 years’ experience in business operations and the implementation of water treatment plants.
- Capable of producing high-quality technical documents in both English and Spanish languages.
- Strategic and innovative thinking.
9. Applications procedure
The consultant(s) or consulting agency will provide:
- A technical proposal that includes a detailed work plan, methodology, activity timetable, deliverable planning, and the proposed implementation of the pilot, along with any other relevant information. The study must include the items described in Annex A.
- An economic proposal, in USD, with the detailed budget by product. The total amount must include all expenses of the consultancy, including needed travel.
- A portfolio of similar projects carried out by the consulting agency.
- CVs of project participants.
- Three references.
- Proponents are responsible for all costs associated with the preparation and presentation of proposals submitted to MAR Fund for this request for proposals, and therefore there is no obligation on behalf of MAR Fund to cover such costs – either in whole or in part – or to provide any advance or compensation if their proposal is not selected.
- Proponents acknowledge and accept that the preparation of the proposal(s) does not constitute a financial obligation on behalf of MAR Fund, and therefore the economic and financial responsibility for the preparation of the proposal(s) is exclusive of the proponent(s), regardless of the selection process outcome.
- The selection process will be carried out in accordance with MAR Fund’s internal evaluation guidelines and the result will be final.
- Only proponents who advance to the next stage of the selection process will be contacted.
10. Deadline and contact
The required documentation must be sent by February 28, 2025 to the following emails: ajones@marfund.org and saguilar@carbonwave.com.
Annex A
Water Quality Analysis and Protocols for Sargassum Processing.
Well Water Analysis
Objective: To establish a baseline quality for the well water used in the processing of Sargassum.
Parameters to Measure: pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Hardness (calcium and magnesium), Microbial contamination (E. coli, coliforms), Heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury).
Frequency: Monthly
Sample Points: Directly from the well.
Rinse Tank Water Analysis
Objective: To evaluate the contamination levels after the water has been used to rinse Sargassum, focusing on pollutants picked up during the cleaning process.
Parameters to Measure: pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Oil and Grease (FOG), Sand and debris content
Microbial contamination (E. coli, coliforms)
Frequency: Monthly
Sample Points: From various rinse tanks at different stages of the rinsing process.
Nanofiltration System Water Analysis
Objective: To assess the efficiency of the nanofiltration system in removing contaminants and ensuring the quality of the treated water for potential reuse or discharge.
Parameters to Measure: Ph, TDS, TSS, BOD, COD, FOG), Heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury), Microbial contamination (E. coli, coliforms).
Frequency: Monthly
Sample Points: Sargassum liquid extract input, permeate, and retentate.
Sample Collection: Use sterilised containers for collecting water samples.
Follow standard procedures for sample preservation and transportation to the laboratory to prevent contamination.
Laboratory Analysis: Conduct tests in a certified laboratory using standard methods.