Touching closing of project in BICA-Utila

Mangrove and seagrass ecosystems of Utile are valuable for the health of the Mesoamerican Reef.
Text and photos: Lucy Calderón
In a warm environment –with the prevailing typical tropical warm weather of the Utila island, plus the warmth of comradery, affection and friendship between the public and the organizers … Further reading...
Continue readingLa basura, un desperdicio de oportunidad

De izq. a derecha: Mary Robinson felicita a Laura Palmese por su triunfo. Foto cortesía: Laura Palmese
Por Lucy Calderón
“La basura no es basura, son recursos perdidos a los que hemos decidido no darles valor y desecharlos”, asegura Laura Palmese Hernández, una abogada con maestría en derecho ambiental … Further reading...
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