Honduras Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades

The training of the brigade course participants demands physical effort. Photo: Huitrón-Baca
The Honduran Post-Storm Reef Response Brigades course “Rapid Response and Emergency Reef Restoration” course was being held in Roatan, Honduras from November 15-19, 2021.
This is the seventh course of a series of trainings that MAR Fund and The Nature Conservancy are conducting in the MAR region. The courses aim to create response capacity at key reef sites for emergency response after reefs are impacted by hurricanes and storms.
Thirteen people from different places in Honduras participated in this training, among them, expert divers, protected area managers, park rangers, tour operators, and community members. The participants also are representatives from local organization such as the Merchant Marine of Honduras, Kanahau Utila Research and Conservation Facility, Bay Islands Conservation Association (BICA), Utila Coral Restoration, Cayos Cochinos Foundation, among others.
The training was carried out with the collaboration and support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MiAmbiente+) and the National Institute of Forest Conservation and Development, Protected Areas and Wildlife (ICF).

Participants learn how to prepare the mix that will be used for reef restoration tasks. Photo: Andrea Izaguirre