Strengthening the conservation of coastal marine protected areas in the MAR: MAR Fund announces the launch of the second Phase III call for proposals and the selected proposals from the first call
Photo: Albatross Foundation
We are very excited to announce that the second call for the “Protection of Maritime Resources in Central America III” Project (Phase III) is officially open!
MAR Fund, with the valuable support of the German Cooperation through the KfW, is pleased to launch this new call for proposals. It’s an incredible opportunity for all coastal marine protected areas (CMPAs) within the Mesoamerican Reef System (MAR) to participate and submit their project proposals, excluding those selected in the first call. CMPAs may focus their proposals on two funding lines: 1) conservation and 2) sustainable use, and must be presented by at least two CMPAs, focusing on the priority ecosystems and resources for Phase III, which are: mangroves, seagrasses, coral reefs, and fisheries.
MAR Fund is also pleased to announce that the 12 winning projects from the first call for proposals are now ready to begin. These projects are evidence of the regional effort and dedication towards strengthening our coastal marine protected areas. We are confident that they will significantly contribute to mitigating climate change, improving food security, and supporting local communities. They will ensure that our protected areas continue to provide ecological, economic, and social services for future generations.
Congratulations to the winning CMPAs, who will implement their projects over the next three years:
- Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park (PNAC, in Spanish); La porción norte y la franja costera oriental, terrestres y marinas de la Isla de Cozumel Flora and Fauna Protection Area; Selvas y Humedales de Cozumel State Reserve; Laguna Colombia State Ecologic Park
- Isla Contoy National Park (PNIC, in Spanish)
- Arrecifes de Puerto Morelos National Park (PNAPM, in Spanish)
- Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve (TAMR)
- Gladden Spit & Silk Cayes Marine Reserve (GSSCMR)
- Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve (SCMR)
- Bocas del Polochic Wildlife Refuge
- Cerro San Gil Spring Protection Reserve
- Michael Rock Special Marine Protection Zone
- Archipielago de Cayos Cochinos Marine Natural Monument
- Barras de Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge
- Bahía de Tela Marine Wildlife Refuge
Strengthening CMPAs management and governance is essential for the MAR. Through the implementation of these projects, promoting the sustainable use of natural resources and ensuring their long-term conservation is expected. Active local participation will be key to adapting and making this management more effective. MAR Fund expresses its sincere gratitude to the German Cooperation through the KfW for their continued support and to the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD by its acronym in Spanish) for their collaboration. Their endorsement has been crucial in advancing these efforts towards sustainable development that benefits both present and future generations. We wish the winners great success in the implementation of their projects!