Fourth Technical Supervisory Committee meeting, in Belize City

First day of meeting- Photo by: MAR Fund
The Mesoamerican Reef Rescue Initiative held its fourth Technical Supervisory Committee meeting, in Belize City, the past June 5th and 6th, 2018.
The objective of this meeting was to follow up on the plans and programs that the Initiative has on its agenda within its Annual Operational Plan 2018, and the 5-year General Operational Plan, 2016-2020.
The four countries that make up the Committee were represented by the focal points appointed by the institutions of each country, which are: National Council of Natural Protected Areas of Mexico, Belize Fisheries Department, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Guatemala, the Directorate of Biodiversity -DiBio- MiAmbiente of Honduras, the Central American Commission for Environment and Development -CCAD- and the Mesoamerican Reef Fund -MAR Fund-. The CCAD was represented by its Executive Secretary, Salvador Nieto.
The most relevant topics discussed in this meeting include the implementation of a Parametric Insurance for the countries that make up the reef, the Reef Restoration Network and the Agreements for Small Grants; with which the restoration and conservation of the reef ecosystem as well as local capacities are promoted.
To achieve its objectives, this Committee meets twice a year and its next meeting will be in November of this year in Guatemala City.
Segundo día de trabajo del Comité – Foto por: MAR Fund
Tags: Annual Operational Plan 2018, General Operational Plan 2016-2020, Technical Supervisory Committee