To defend the ocean’s biodiversity is to defend human well-being

Photo: Kate Sutter
MAR Fund joins the leadership of the Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) and other organizations by signing the civil society organizations’ declaration titled: DEFENDING OCEAN BIODIVERSITY IS DEFENDING HUMAN WELL-BEING. This declaration calls for concrete and effective actions from the Parties to the Convention on … Further reading...
Mesoamerican Reef Report Card – 2024

Photo: Henry Brown
On October 29, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People launched the 2024 Mesoamerican Reef Report Card, a crucial assessment presented simultaneously in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. This year, it was also showcased at COP16 in Colombia.
In Guatemala, a main panel was formed to highlight the importance … Further reading...
Commitment to the Ocean: MAR Fund at Climate Week

Strengthening the conservation of coastal marine protected areas in the MAR: MAR Fund announces the launch of the second Phase III call for proposals and the selected proposals from the first call

Lanzamiento del proyecto Protección de los recursos marítimos en América Central III (Fase III)

MAR+Invest Acceleration Programme Launch Event

La Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Rescate de Arrecifes presenta avances de su trabajo

Inicia capacitación de brigadistas para la atención post-tormenta de arrecifes en el Caribe guatemalteco

Continúa la creación de capacidades para brindar atención post tormenta a los arrecifes del Caribe de Guatemala

Formalizan el Comité Coordinador de Respuesta Post Tormenta para el Rescate de Arrecifes en el Caribe de Guatemala