The MAR Fund’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) seeks to ensure that all grants have a substantial net benefit to the environment and communities in the MAR Region, and to avoid, minimize and mitigate their environmental and social risks and impacts.
International donors are requesting that the projects they support actively minimize their risks and mitigate their potential negative impacts, as well as maximize their benefits. MAR fund is complying with this request through its Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) and we are now beginning its roll out with our partners in the region.
On this page you will find the following elements of the ESMS:
This section outlines the procedures of the assessment and management of the environmental and social risks and impacts that projects funded by MAR Fund must follow.
The ESMS requires that all the proposals presented to MAR Fund undergo an environmental and social screening process to determine their risks and potential impacts, their risk category (one of four possible categories), the required environmental and social assessment, and to consider the safeguard instruments that would be developed. This is a collaborative process carried out throughout the project-cycle by the organizations making project proposals (named “grantees” here) and by MAR Fund. Both have a shared responsibility to systematically assess and manage the environmental and social aspects of the projects to enhance their sustainability and avoid, reduce, and mitigate their adverse environmental and social risks and impacts.
The “ESS 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts” describes the environmental and social assessment and management requirements and procedures of MAR Fund. All project proposals will follow the process illustrated in Figure 1: Assessment and management of risks and impacts throughout the project cycle.
Figure 1. Assessment and Management of risks and impacts through the project cycle
MAR Fund Grievance Mechanism
MAR Fund’s grievance mechanism offers anyone who feels negatively affected by a project or activity supported by the MAR Fund the opportunity to file a complaint and obtain a response. MAR Fund commits to provide you with a response within 25 working days of receipt of your complaint.
You can file a complaint or grievance using any of the following channels:
By submitting an online form (click here).
By sending an email to the address quejas@marfund.org
By calling this phone number and/or leaving a message: +502 3047-1169
By sending a WhatsApp message to this number: +502 3047-1169
By downloading this form, completing it and: 1) handing it over to the project officer or the responsible technician in the field, 2) sending it by post to 22 avenida 0-59, Zona 15 Vista Hermosa II, Guatemala, Guatemala 01015, or 3) scan or photograph the completed form and send it via e-mail to quejas@marfund.org or via WhatsApp: +502 3047-1169.
You can make anonymous complaints. In that case, MAR Fund will process the complaint, and will include the results of this process in the consolidated information database of processed complaints.